Fixed CC for 7 november 2017 patch. Game Version

I think this is all of it, I'm sure the new expansion is going to broke more things.
If you have some broken CC for me, just tell me.
Thank you in advance.
Also I fixed shine on some CC.




Fixed shine on both



Fixed shine on both


Fixed shine




Be aware, broken cc

With the newest expansion pre-patch a lot of things are broken. I’ll try to fix them but its going to be slow because I don’t have much time this months.
From: @iserenity08
  • Most CC double mattress and frames are broken.
  • Veranka’s Beds Confirmed Broken.
  • But any cc beds placed BEFORE patch are still working as intended with minor issues.
  • Newly placed double cc beds will disappear upon purchase, the game will take your money but the bed is not there.
You can follow wich CC are broken on @s4ccfixes